As a Library Admin, You will have the ability to manage the reserves on books using the Reservations Widget.
Things you may want to do include:
- Sending a notification to the user.
- Removing a Reservation.
Notifying Patrons
Notify a patron that a reservation is ready to be collected:
The Reservations Widget also allows you to notify your patrons via email and message (for the message option this will be available when the Mail Box widget is completed). Just click on the Mail icon . This will bring up the notifications page.
There are 3 buttons to select from.
Email - This will send out a generic notification to that patron's email address.
Message - If you fill in the text box (as shown above), you will be able to message that to the patron.
NB This function will be available when the Mail Box widget is added to SmartSuite.
Print - This allows you to print the generic email so that you can pass this off to the patron.
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