The My Requests module will let you request more than free-to-air TV or Foxtel programs. You can also request lessons.1. Make sure that you are on the TV4Education page by clicking the menu button -> Search -> TV4Education.
2. Then click on My Requests on the shortcuts bar along the top of the screen. Click on Make a Request -> Topic Request.
3. The only field that you must fill in is the subject. You can enter things like subjects (e.g. Algebra or Climate Change), classifications (e.g. PG only) or any additional information.
4. All of your requests will show up just like messages on the left panel of this screen. You can click on each request and type messages directly to the learning advisors if you have forgotten any information. You will also be notified here with how your request is progressing.
5. All topic requests are responded to by our research team within 48 hours.