BibInfo (Record Information) can be customised to suit your library's requirements.
For example, re-order fields to highlight subjects before video classifications.
BibInfo (Record Information) also allows administrators to turn off extra features like Google Previews and Reservations.
To view and change available settings:
1. Click -> Search -> School’s Collection.
2. Once the search page has opened, enter into Settings Mode by
clicking ->.
3. Locate the Results Container on the page and click the Settings icon
4. BibInfo's settings will now appear as a pop-out on the right side of your screen as you can see below:
You can select up to 40 fields to be displayed.
The order of fields selected (Token 1 -> Token 40) will match what is displayed in BibInfo.
Any selected field which has no data for a record will automatically hide.
A field must be first de-selected before changing its order (i.e. Remove the field from token 12 before selecting it in token 8).
5. You are also able to add buttons into the BibInfo Container by selecting them in the, located on the bottom of the settings pop-out.
Buttons are like shortcuts, as you can see I have set three buttons:
- Reserve: Links me to the reserve widget so you can reserve the record.
- Edit Catalogue: Takes me to the catalogue record so you can edit its details (only available for admins).
- Google Preview: Takes me to Google's eBook version (if available).
6. Once you have finished configuring BibInfo, click located on the bottom of the Settings.
7. Click on the Shortcuts Bar as this will save the changes done to the page and reload it as well.