Here at FSI, we like to split the End of Year and Start of Year procedures down the middle as most sites cannot get an up to date csv file until the new year.
End of Year Procedures
FSI's Customer Service Team has already updated your Final Borrowing Dates for the year ahead.
But if you wish to make changes to these dates they can be done by following the steps in the Article: Updating Final Borrowing Dates
Moving Patrons to LEFT Classgrade:
Moving Patrons to a left classgrade allows you to filter out those who are no longer at the organization. That way when you import your new patrons you can easily report on the left users and then delete them.
1. Click -> Configuration -> Global Functions.
2. Under the "Functions created by FSI" Expand the Patron option and select the Move Patrons by Classification function, then select Open.
3. Select the year level/s you wish to move to another then click Search.
The system will show you a list of patrons. Check that these are correct before proceeding.
4. Click Change
5. Select the new Classgrade.
6. Click Update.
Moving Patrons to LEFT Homeroom:
1. Go to Configuration >> Global Functions
2. Under the "Functions created by FSI" Expand the Patron option and select the Move Patrons by Homeroom function, then select Open.
3. Select the year level/s you wish to move to another then click Search.
The system will show you a list of patrons. Check that these are correct before proceeding.
4. Click Change
5. Select the new Homeroom.
6. Click Update.