TV4Ed v3.0 allows users to clip or chapterize videos.
1) Log into your TV4Ed v3.0 account
2) Open the video details by clicking once on the video
3) Click
4) The system will redirect you to the workspace and will load your selected video into the video editor
5) Using the scroll bar, find the beginning of the chapter that you would like to keep. Click the icon to mark the start point
6) Using the scroll bar, find the end of the chapter that you would like to keep. Click the icon to mark the end point
7) Enter a title for your chapter into the Chapter Title field on the right of the editor
8) Click the button
9) The system will highlight the chapter you want to keep as orange in the scrollbar
10) Repeat steps (5) - (8) for any additional chapter you would like to create and merge in your edited video
11) Once you have finished clipping your video, click the icon to save your edited video
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