1. Click -> Reports -> Reports.
2. From the toolbar at the bottom of the window, click the up arrow on the New button.
3. Select Statistics from the options.
4. Enter a name for your report in the Report Name field.
5. Select the Report Group and Table from the drop down.
6. Click the Conditions tab at the top of the window.
7. Settings entered on this tab will be loaded each time you load your new report,
if you enter:
Your report will isolate all resources with a subject containing the word Fiction.
8. Click the Statistics Setting tab.
9. Select which field the report will run a statistical analysis on the database,
Our report is to view the breakdown of loans by homeroom, we would select Homeroom.
10. Select how you want the analytics to be treated (e.g. Count, Sum etc.).
11. Click the Ordering Setting tab and configure how you would like the data to be ordered.
12. Click the Chart tab and complete the parameters for your graph.
13. Click to preview your graph before you save your report.
14. If you are satisfied with your report, click .