The Reports Module allows you to email out any report. This article will walk you through sending out a once-off email.
**Please note** that a template is required to email out a report to create a template click here.
1. Click -> Reports -> Reports.
2. Find and generate the report you wish to email out.
3. Once generated, click on the button located in the Action Bar.
The Email Configuration page will appear.
4. You will need to select who will receive your email. You can do this in two ways:
- The "Mail To" drop-down (used for bulk emailing out) If you have any of the email fields select in your report you will see them appear here.
- The "Specified To" field (used for sending emails to specific email address'). You can enter in the recipient/s email addresses in this field.
5. Once you have selected or entered the recipient/s click .
6. A confirmation message will appear.
7. Click HERE to confirm and send out the emails.