In this help article, find out how you can share reports with others by generating a custom link.
1. Click -> Reports -> Reports.
2. Select the Report you want to share and click .
3. Select to create the report.
4. Click the on the button.
5. Select Share Report from the drop down list.
6. Define the settings you want for this report. Once happy, click .
Note: We recommend a width of 1920 and a Height of 1080.
Security allows you to set the report to be only viewed by patrons/classgrades of a specific security setting. A security of 20 will only allow those with a security of 20 or higher to view this report.
Expiry determines how long the share link will be active, once the expiration date is reached the link will cease to work.
7. Share the link! You can also scan the QR code to share the report.