With SmartSuite v4.1 you can embed any record from your search results directly into SchoolBox.
Please note, embedding videos into schoolbox removes SmartSuite's security control on videos which means year 7's could watch M-Rated content if you embed m-rated content onto your SchoolBox page.
The SmartSuite LTI must be configured within your SchoolBox administrative console.
Please refer to article: Configuring SmartSuite v4.1's LTI for SchoolBox
1) Log into SmartSuite v4.1 and open the record you want to embed
2) Click
3) Log into your SchoolBox platform and navigate to the page you want to embed the record into
4) Click the icon to add a new component
5) Select the tab
6) Click
7) When the component block loads onto the screen, click SmartSuite
8) Paste the URL from step (2) into the Share Link window and click
9) If the resource previews correctly, scroll down and click
Your resource will now be embedded into SchoolBox.