The Stocktake module allows you to bulk update records fields, Things like Copy Status or Location and Sublocations.
1. Ensure the correct stocktake is active by clicking the icon and selecting the required stocktake from the list.
2. Click the icon to load the Reports and Management page.
3. Using the filters, isolate the resources you wish to globally update. The filter contains the following options.
All | Shows all items in the stocktake. |
To be Counted |
Shows all items that are yet to be counted (missing). |
All Counted |
Shows all items counted into the stocktake, whether it was manually counted or counted by the system. |
Manual Count | Shows all records physically scanned into the stocktake. |
System Count | Shows all records that the system has counted for you whether it was counted from the catalogue (adding new items) or Circulation (records being returned from loan). |
Wrong Counted | Shows all records counted that do not belong in the stocktake. |
Finance Report |
Produces a finance report showing the total cost of items in your stocktake and also shows the total cost of missing items. |
4. Of the resources now showing, select the resources you wish to globally update. If you wish to update all resources, simply click select the tick-box at the top (inside the filters box).
5. Under the Global Change widget on the right of your screen, select the information you wish the selected records to be updated to.
6. Click the icon to execute your global change.
7. You will be asked if you wish to execute the change based on a barcode filter OR by the items selected. Choose Items Selected
8. Type Yes into the text box to continue.
9. Click the button.