V3 SmartStockatke allows you to edit errors on the fly, So you do not need to deal with errors later.
1. Click -> Stocktake -> SmartStocktake.
2. Select the appropriate stocktake from the stocktake list or create a new stocktake.
3. Click the icon.
Before starting to scan your session, please make sure your computer or device supports SmartStocktake's audible alerts by clicking on the right.
4. Scan your barcodes into the Barcode Field.
5. If an item you have scanned does not match your stocktake filter you will hear an audible sound and you will see the title of the item appear RED
6. With live editing, you can click on the copy information (Black text section) and a popup will appear.
7. Look at the errors at the top, Each errored field will have the header in red text. Make the changes to the record then click Update Catalogue. This will update the record. The item will then be counted as a successful count in the stocktake.