In this article, you'll be shown how to change the roles of multiple patrons using classgrades.
1. Click -> Configuration -> Global Functions.
2. Under Functions created by FSI select Patron-> double left click Update User Role by Classgrade
3. In Search Classgrade select the classgrades you want to change the roles of. If you want to change the roles of every patron in the system then leave this blank.
4. Click > Check the patrons you specifically want or leave them unchecked if you want to change the role of everyone on the list.
5. Click .
6. Confirm the amount of patrons you want to change the roles of. The checkbox on the left is specifically the patrons you chose in Step 4 and the checkbox on the right is ALL patrons in the classgrades you chose in Step 3. You can only choose one of these checkboxes.
7. Make sure Role and Overwrite are selected
8. Select which roles you want to give to the Patrons
Note: To select multiple roles, hold down the ctrl key while selecting.
9. Click .
10. Verify the changes you are about to make.
11. Select > DONE!
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