Block styles help you format content on your homepage.
Each block style you add will allow you to format content down the page.
You can have multiple block styles on the same page to help organise your content.
1) Log into your SmartSuite system with an administrative user
2) Navigate to the page you would like to add a Block Style to.
N.B. If you would like to create a new page, follow these steps: Creating a new page
3) Click System Menu ()
4) Click
5) From the shortcuts bar, click
6) Click the Block Style you would like to apply to your page
7) Your new Block Style will be added as the Last block on your page so you may need to scroll down to view it.
8) Find your new block on your page and click
9) From the list, select the Block Type you would like to add
10) Once you have formatted your page, click from the shortcuts bar