SmartSuite has the capability of searching and integrating numerous third-party databases such as:
- Britannica
- Worldbook
and many more
However, administrators first need to configure your schools third-party database subscription details into SmartSuite.
- Where the data source is a paid subscription, your school must have an active subscription with the third-party data source
- You must have the connection details (e.g. z39.50 details, API details, LTI details etc)
1) Log into SmartSuite v4.1 as an administrator
2) Click -> Settings -> System Settings
3) Click the tab
4) Expand the option
5) Expand the Database that you want to configure and complete the details for that datasource
6) Click to save the settings for that datasource
7) Click in the toolbar at the bottom of the window to apply the settings to your SmartSuite instance.